Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Bleaching is one of the most common procedures in dental cosmetics. It brightens teeth that are discolored, stained or have been darkened because of injury or drinking habits. Any teeth, even those that have had root canal surgery, can receive bleaching treatment. This can be done by a dentist in the dental clinic or at home.

There are 2 Types of Teeth Stains:

- Instrinsic stains (Internal Stains): This means the stain occurs from within the teeth. This type of stain cannot be removed by brushing and flossing and sometimes bleaching may not be effective. Some causes of intrinsic staining are injury to the teeth, certain medications (such as Tetracycline) taken during teeth formation stage or an excess fluoride ingested during the formation of teeth.
- Extrinsic stains (External Stains): This is staining of the teeth surface. Some sources of extrinsic stains are cigarettes, cigars, paan masala, coffee, tea or foods that contain a lot of spices. This type of staining can sometimes be removed by good teeth brushing habits or by professional oral prophylaxis (Scaling). Occasionally people experience temporary discomfort during the bleaching treatment, such as teeth sensitivity. These symptoms are transient and disappear within 1 to 3 days after completion of the treatment. It is important that the manufacturer's directions are followed precisely. Overall, teeth bleaching under professional supervision is an effective method for whitening of the teeth.

A brief theory about the whitening effect - Microscopic intrinsic stains and discolorations are present deep within the teeth, which give them an overall dull or yellowish appearance. Such stains are professionally removed with the use of a peroxide based agent. The peroxide reacts with such stain producing substances thereby oxidizing and removing them completely. The gums and lips are protected with special barriers to prevent their contact with peroxide.

Instant teeth whitening provides a number of benefits over the more commonly done home whitening procedure:

Instant Teeth Whitening at Care 32 Dental Centre Home Whitening
Requires approximately 30 minutes to complete the entire teeth whitening procedure. Requires 2 weeks or more.
Teeth whitening results are more pronounced as higher concentrations are used. Lower concentrations produce milder whitening results.
Teeth whitening is professionally performed by the dentist. Daily applications to be done by the patient.
Patient compliance is of minimum importance. Patient compliance is absolutely essential for the success of the treatment.
Results are appreciated instantly. Results appear gradually over the course of the treatment.

Instant Teeth Whitening:

Do you hesitate to smile because your teeth are stained, yellowed or dull? Or do you have white teeth, but you still want the brightest whitest smile possible?

At Care 32 Dental Centre, we have the perfect solution for brilliant white teeth. 30 minutes is all it takes to transform your dull and yellowish teeth to a dazzling brilliant white appearance.

- Get white teeth in just 30 minutes!
- Absolutely safe.
- Guaranteed results.
- Results last for 1 year or more.
- Patient's comfort is of utmost importance at Care 32 Dental Centre.
- Highly cost effective. The instant teeth whitening procedure at Care 32 Dental Centre is highly competitively priced.

Instructions for Home Bleaching:

Bleaching is used to enhance your smile by brightening your existing natural teeth. Bleaching will not make crowns, veneers/laminates, bonding or existing fillings lighter. If one bleaches and have these type of restorations in your smile line you may want to have these changed after you bleach. When you start to bleach we typically have you bleach your upper teeth first when you are bleaching both upper and lower teeth. This will provide you with a comparison so you know just how much your teeth are whitening. Bleaching usually takes 1 - 2 weeks for the complete result. We cannot predict the exact level of shade changes you will have with bleaching, but it will always make your teeth lighter.

Instructions For Home Bleaching

- Brush and floss teeth thoroughly prior to placing the tray in your mouth.
- Place small drop of gel in tray at each tooth site where whitening is desired.
- Seat tray completely and firmly onto teeth.
- Wipe off excess gel with toothbrush or clean swap of cotton.
- Trays are to be worn overnight.
- When trays are removed, rinse with cool water and remove residual material and store in case. Keep your trays out of the sunlight and heat. Excessive heat can melt the trays.
- Brush and rinse remaining gel from teeth after bleaching.
- Remove tray prior to eating.
- You will have enough material to bleach both upper and lower teeth for 1 - 2 weeks, keep the gel in refrigerator after used.