Basic Treatment
Basic dental procedures involves all the treatment modalities available in dentisry which are routinely performed by the dentist in the dental clinic.
They are all mentioned under these subdivisions as follow:
Operative Dentistry
It is that phase of dentistry concerned with restoration of parts of the teeth that are defective through disease, trauma or abnormal development to a state of normal function, health and esthetics, including preventive, diagnostic, biologic, mechanical and therapeutic techniques, as well as material and instrument science and application.
It includes following:
If a single spot on one of your teeth is not cleaned daily, the remaining bacteria will transform themselves into a sticky film substance called plaque. The plaque will produce acids which eat away at the enamel of the tooth and will eventually cause cavities. When the cavity gets through the enamel, into the underlying tooth structure (the Dentin), repair or restoration is necessary. If there is sufficient tooth structure remaining after removal of all the caries, a filling is placed.
There are 3 types of fillings commonly used:
Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam (Silver) fillings have been used for decades and they remain one of the most commonly used filling materials. They are often referred to as metal fillings. Amalgam is a mixture of silver and other metals, such as copper, tin and zinc, grounded into powdered form. The silver powder is mixed with mercury and placed into the cavity preparation where it is shaped before hardening. In recent years, the safety of amalgam fillings has come under scrutiny because of the mercury it contains. The absorption of elemental mercury is known to be a contributing factor to several diseases, including alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, dementia and arthritis. However, recent studies have proved amalgam fillings to be perfectly safe. It is true, that mercury vapor is toxic but mercury molecules in hardened amalgam are bound to the silver molecules rendering the level of toxicity harmless. The American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration have researched the safety of amalgam fillings and have found them to be not only safe but extremely effective.
Gold Inlays

Gold fillings are widely viewed of restorations. From a bio mechanical perspective, they are the ideal material as they will not tarnish or corrode and they wear at the same rate as tooth enamel. The placement of a gold filling requires 2 separate appointments with your dentist. At the first visit, the cavity is removed and the tooth is prepared. An impression is taken of the tooth preparation and a temporary restoration is placed. A custom made filling is made from the impression. At the second visit the temporary restoration is removed and the gold filling is placed. A cast gold filling is made in a dental lab and sent back to your dentist, who cements it in place in your mouth. You will need at least 2 visits to the dentist to get the job done.
- Gold fillings are stronger than amalgam fillings.
- Gold fillings last a long time.
- Gold fillings costs more than other kinds of fillings.
- Gold fillings and crowns are indirect fillings, so they require at least 2 appointments.
- The gold color may not appeal to people who want a 'Natural' look.
Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are the newest type of filling in common usage. They are commonly known as tooth coloured fillings. Composite fillings were created as an alternative to traditional metal dental fillings. They are colored to look like natural teeth and are more esthetically pleasing than amalgam or gold fillings. They are also strong, durable and make for a very natural looking smile.
The tooth is cleaned of the caries by removing all of carious dentin with the help of bur. If the decayed area of your tooth is close to a nerve, a special liner can be used to protect the nerve. A special dental material is then used to open up the pores of your tooth's dentin and roughens up the surface of the exposed enamel. This creates a stronger bond between the tooth and the filling. The bond resin is applied to stick the composite to your tooth. This material is made of the same dental resin as the composite, however it is much more fluid.
With a composite filling, your dentist will be able to preserve more of the natural tooth as the composite resin can be bonded to the tooth in thin layers and slowly built up to form a complete filling. A bright ultra violet light will harden each layer before the next is applied.
Once your filling is completed, your dentist will use a special articulating paper, to adjust the height of your dental filling and to ensure that your bite remains correct. Your tooth is then polished. If such a filling is not going to be enough to protect your damaged tooth or if your tooth enamel is thin and will easily fracture or if your tooth has had a root canal that weakened your tooth condition, your tooth may require additional protection such as a crown.
- Bleaching is much cheaper than crowns or veneers and research indicates that it is completely effective in more than 90 percentage of people.
- The composite bonds to further support the remaining tooth structure helping to prevent breakage and damage to your tooth.
- They look more natural as they are color blended to match your natural tooth color. These fillings are often used to improve the appearance of misshapen, chipped or discolored teeth.
- Composite fillings last from 6 to 12 years or more.
- The procedure usually takes just one visit to your dentist.
- There is very little sensitivity to hot or cold items, often experienced with amalgam fillings.
- The dentist won't need to drill as much of the tooth structure as the composite is applied in layers.
- Composite resin fillings require more time to apply than amalgam fillings.
- As a result of the time required there is an increased cost for placing composite fillings.
Oral Surgical Procedures
Oral Surgery:
An oral surgeon is a dentist who specializes in different aspects of surgery both in and around the mouth. They diagnose and treat defects, injuries and diseases involving the head, mouth, teeth, gums, jaws and neck.
Here at Care 32 we have developed procedures to remove teeth painlessly and an emphasis on saving as much of the supporting bone and gum tissues as possible. This is important because strong structures provide essential support for your implants, bridges or dentures leading to the best possible functional and cosmetic results. An oral surgeon can carry out a wide range of procedures.
We have outlined some of the more commonly practiced procedures below:
We believe that every tooth is precious and one of the main goals of modern dentistry will always be the prevention of tooth loss. All possible measures should be taken to preserve and maintain your teeth because the loss of a single tooth can have a major impact upon your dental health and appearance. However, it is still sometimes necessary to remove a tooth. Some of the reasons for doing so can be seen below:
- Severe decay.
- Advanced periodontal disease.
- Infection or abscess.
- Orthodontic correction.
- Malpositioned teeth.
- Fractured teeth or roots.
- Impacted teeth.
Extracting teeth is made less difficult when the general principles of oral surgery are understood and practiced. If your dentist has recommended that a tooth be extracted, the following information will help you get through the first few days after your extraction. Should anything occur that seems out of the normal, do not hesitate to call your dentist.
- Pain management must be addressed. Various pain management techniques must be used including: Medical management (Pre Surgical and Post Surgical Medications), regional nerve blocks and local nerve blocks.
- The top (Coronal) 1/3 of the alveolar bone surrounding the tooth has 2/3 of the holding power.
- Periodontal fibers are not designed to withstand slow, continuous torque.
- Multi rooted teeth are transformed into single rooted teeth.
- Gingival preservation is paramount.
- Complete extraction of root confirmed by radiograph.
- Closure of alveolus to maintain blood clot.
The first step is the taking of dental radiographs to assist in extraction planning. This provides concrete evidence that an extraction is the only procedure possible and makes the action defensible in a court of law. The techniques of extraction include surgical and non surgical procedures. Following a close study of your radiographs your dentist will be in a position to advise you on which is the best procedure for you.
Non Surgical Extraction
This method will be suggested when the affected tooth is already loose. Non surgical extraction is performed by placing gentle traction and rotation on the affected tooth with dental forceps or needle holders. Excess tissue is removed as carefully as possible so as to avoid fracture. Once clean, the alveolus can be filled with osteoinductive materials, impregnated resins or the newer bone morphogenic materials. After filling, the alveolus is sealed. Following the procedure home care support including antibiotic therapy, pain management and dietary advice is duly given to the patient.
Surgical Extraction
It is performed on non mobile teeth with normal or near normal attachment levels. If your dentist has studied your radiographs and concluded that extraction is necessary the next step will be the creation of a surgical flap. Your oral surgeon will make a precise incision providing room to remove the alveolar bone. Following this the surgeon will isolate and gently elevate the roots of your tooth. After sufficient bone removal and elevation, the tooth root should become mobile. Small dental forceps or needle holders are used to grasp the tooth crown and then rotate the tooth on its long axis. Your surgeon will rotate the tooth to the point of resistance for 20 to 30 seconds. The rotation is then reversed and again held for 20 to 30 seconds. By using slow, continuous forces, the fibers are torn and the tooth becomes loose enough for gentle traction to remove it from its socket. After the roots have been successfully removed, a post extraction radiograph will confirm that the operation has been successful. The alveolus can then be treated and sealed in the same way as practiced in the non surgical extraction.
Post Operative Instructions:
- Do not disturb the wound as this may cause irritation, infection and/or bleeding.
- Chew on the opposite side for 24 hours and keep anything sharp from entering the wound (ie. Eating Utensils, etc.).
- Avoid smoking as this will promote bleeding and interfere with healing.
- Do not brush your teeth for the first 8 hours after surgery. After, you may brush your teeth gently, but avoid the area of surgery.
- Avoid all rinsing for 24 hours after extraction. This is to ensure that the blood gets a chance to clot. This is essential to proper wound healing. Disturbance of this clot can lead to increased bleeding or the loss of the blood clot. If the clot is lost, a painful condition called dry socket may occur.
- You may use warm salt water or mild antiseptic rinses after 24 hours but only if prescribed by your dentist.
- Do not spit or suck through a straw as this will promote bleeding and may dislodge the blood clot causing a dry socket.
- When you leave the clinic, you will be given instructions regarding the control of post operative bleeding. A dressing will be placed on the affected area and you will be asked to change this every 20 minutes or so depending on the amount of bleeding that is occurring. We will provide you with a package of gauze to take with you. Should you need to use the gauze at home, remember to roll it into a ball large enough to cover the wound. If you have used up all of the gauze and the bleeding persists you may fold a tea bag in half and bite down on it. Tea contains tannic acid, a styptic, which may help to reduce the bleeding.
- You will probably experience some discomfort but this is normal following surgery. Analgesic tablets (ie. Aspirin, Tylenol, etc.) may be taken under your dentist's direction. Prescription medication, which may have been given to you, should also be taken as directed. If the pain persists, kindly call your dentist.
- To help prevent swelling, you may apply an ice pack or a cold towel to the outside of your face during the first 12 hours. Try applying the pack alternately, 20 minutes on then 20 minutes off. Continue this process until you begin to feel more comfortable.
- Eat normal regular meals as soon as you are able after surgery. Cold, soft food such as ice cream, yogurt or soup may be the most comfortable for the first day. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids but remember to avoid using a straw.
- If the pain or bleeding is persistent and you feel that there may be a problem kindly do not hesitate to call your dentist.
Wisdom Teeth

Last teeth to develop and erupt into the jaws are called the third molars. Third molars usually erupt in the late teen years, which coincides with passage into adulthood and is referred to by some as the age of 'Wisdom Teeth".
Wisdom teeth used to serve a useful purpose, but are now considered vestigial organs. A vestige is a degenerative or imperfectly formed organ or structure which no longer performs a useful function. Wisdom teeth have become 'Outdated' for many reasons. Our ancestors' diet was made up of far coarser food than our own and a lack of hygiene meant that impurities such as dirt and sand were consumed regularly. This caused teeth to abrade significantly which meant they took up less space in the jaw. Permanent teeth were also frequently lost at an early age, which would create more space in the jaw. Due to the coarseness of the food it was harder to chew and the jaw itself would develop into a larger bone as it was working much harder. All of these factors would create more space for the wisdom teeth when they came in.
Unfortunately, the wisdom teeth are now usually trying to erupt into a jaw that is too small. The heavily processed diet of today does not produce the tooth abrasion or jaw development that we used to see. Modern dentistry has pretty much eliminated significant loss of permanent teeth at an early age. This leaves us with too many teeth and not enough jaw.
Wisdom teeth serve no useful function and will often cause damage because when a wisdom tooth becomes partially exposed through the gums it cannot be cleaned properly and can collect food debris, bacteria and plaque around itself. This can result in tooth decay, gum disease, infection and abscess of not only the wisdom teeth, but of the nearby molars and surrounding gum tissue. The molars in front of the wisdom teeth are sometimes lost because of cavities and gum disease caused by the inability to clean the wisdom teeth properly. Cyst formation and other destructive pathology are also seen around impacted wisdom teeth. There may be pain and swelling or you may have no symptoms at all, even though the other teeth in your mouth may be at risk of damage.
If removal of the wisdom teeth is necessary, the procedure is recommended in the late teenage years, before the roots are completely formed. Surgical procedures in general are better tolerated when one is young and healthy and the gum tissues tend to heal better and more predictably when young. Most people experience minimal disruption of their normal routines and time off from work or school is usually minimal. At this point it is worth noting that the removal of wisdom teeth can be of great benefit to your ultimate oral and general health.
How and where your wisdom teeth are removed depends on whether your wisdom teeth are erupted or impacted and how deep the roots are. Your dentist or oral surgeon will review the recommended procedure with you so that you are comfortable with the procedure from the very beginning. You will also be given information about eating, medication, rest, driving and other considerations for the periods before and after surgery.
Immediately after surgery your body sends blood to nourish the tooth socket and the healing process begins. Simple pressure from a piece of gauze should control the bleeding and help a blood clot to form in the socket. After surgery, you will rest while under close observation as you recover from the anesthetic. Once your doctor is satisfied with your recovery you will be able to go home and relax. Within a day or 2, soft tissue begins to fill in the socket, aided by the blood clot. In time, the bone surrounding the socket begins to grow, eventually filling in the socket completely.
It is possible for you to heal more quickly and avoid complications by simply following the instructions that your dentist or oral surgeon gives you. However, if you experience excessive bleeding or swelling, persistent and severe pain, fever or if you experience any reaction to medications, please do not hesitate to call your dentist for further advice. A followup examination may also be scheduled to make sure that the socket is healing properly and that your mouth is returning to a normal, healthy state.
Sinus Lift
A sinus lift (a Sinus Augmentation) is surgery that adds bone to your upper jaw in the area of your molars and premolars to make it taller. The bone is added between your jaw and the maxillary sinuses, which are on either side of your nose. To make room for the bone, the sinus membrane has to be moved upward, or 'Lifted'. A sinus lift usually is done by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a periodontist.
It can happen that there is no longer enough bone in the molar area of the maxilla in the direction of the floor of the sinus because of the bone atrophy after tooth loss. As bone augmentation in this region is possible only with difficulty, a method was developed in which the floor of the sinus is raised and bone is inserted into the cavity produced, without injuring the mucosa of the sinus, which leads to an effective increase in the bone in the molar maxillary region. This operation is called a sinus lift. This operation can be carried out under local anaesthesia and is done through the mouth so that there are no scars on the face. The sinus lift operation can often be done at the same time as the insertion of dental implants. The bone material which is inserted corresponds to that described already for bone augmentation.
A sinus lift is done when there is not enough bone in the upper jaw or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, for dental implants to be placed.
There are several reasons for this:
- Many people who have lost teeth in their upper jaw, particularly the molars teeth, do not have enough bone for implants to be placed. Because of the anatomy of the skull, the back of the upper jaw has less bone than the lower jaw.
- Once teeth are gone, bone begins to be resorbed (Absorbed Back into the Body). If teeth have been missing for a long time, there often is not enough bone left to place implants.
- The maxillary sinus may be too close to the upper jaw for implants to be placed. The shape and the size of this sinus varies among individuals. In addition, the sinus can get larger as you age.
- Bone may have been lost because of periodontal (Gum) disease.
Dental implants have gained popularity for treating edentulism, but some patients develop jaw atrophy, which leaves insufficient bone for implants. To treat these patients, the sinus lift procedure, which augments bone, was developed.
The oral surgeon will cut the gum tissue near your premolars and molars. The tissue is raised, exposing the bone. A small, oval window is opened in the bone. The membrane lining the sinus on the other side of the window separates your sinus from your jaw. This membrane is gently pushed up and away from your jaw. Granules of bone graft material are then packed into the space where the sinus was. The amount of bone used will vary, but usually several millimeters of bone is added above the jaw.
Once the bone is in place, the tissue is stitched closed. Your implants will be placed 4 to 9 months later, depending on the graft material that was used. This allows time for the grafted material to mesh with your bone.
Ridge Augmentation/Grafting
Sometimes when you lose 1 or more teeth, you can get an indention in your gums and jawbone where the tooth used to be. This happens because the jawbone recedes when it no longer is holding a tooth in place, the jawbone recedes and the resulting indentation looks unnatural.
Ridge augmentation is a procedure that can recapture the natural contour of the gums and jaw. Our surgeons can correct this defect with ridge augmentation, making your smile look natural again.
Ridge augmentation or grafting, is a procedure to increase the volume of the bone for implant or complete denture retention. Alveolar bone is lost over time for many reasons, including wearing of complete dentures. Edentulous ridge augmentation is then needed to increase the vertical height of bone for implant or complete denture retention.
Orthodontic Treatment
This section explains the various stages of a normal course of orthodontic treatment:
The First Consultation
During this visit the patient is examined clinically by our orthodontist. This enables him to give advice on the treatment options available, when treatment should commence, the duration of treatment and the approximate estimate of complete treatment.
If the patient decides to proceed with treatment, an appointment is made to collect records.
Records Include:
- Impressions from which plaster models of the teeth are constructed.
- Photographs of the teeth and face.
- X rays of the teeth and jaws.
Records allow the orthodontist to analyse each case accurately. They are also used to record the existing malocclusion for future reference.
Treatment Planning
At this visit the orthodontist discusses the treatment plan(s), which have been formulated using information obtained from the first consultation and records.
Then, arrangements are made to commence treatment or if it is too early, to review the patient periodically until it is an appropriate time to commence treatment.
Extractions and other Preliminary Procedures
Sometimes it is necessary to remove teeth to gain sufficient space to align the remaining teeth. Any decayed teeth should be filled and the teeth sometimes need to be cleaned before orthodontic treatment is started.
The patient is referred back to the general dentist to have these preliminary procedures carried out. The cost of these procedures is not included in the orthodontic fee.
- They are the most efficient and accurate way of moving teeth.
- Braces (Bands, Brackets and Wires) are usually made of stainless steel although clear brackets are available, usually at extra cost.
- Fitting the braces usually involves 2 visits. Braces remain on the teeth for the entire duration of treatment.
- Patients then attend approximately every 4 - 8 weeks for adjustments, wire changes, etc.
- During treatment, patients may need to wear such items as rubber bands and/or headgear with their braces. These items provide important extra forces for the correction of the bite.
How Long?
Orthodontic treatment usually takes 18 - 24 months. Some cases may be finished earlier and others may take longer to complete. The total treatment time depends on the severity of the original malocclusion, the type of treatment carried out and the co-operation of the patient.
Dental Checkups
Orthodontic patients should continue to attend their family dentist for regular checkups during the course of orthodontic treatment.
At the completion of the active part of orthodontic treatment, the braces are removed and retaining appliances (Retainers) are fitted to hold the teeth steady in their new position. These appliances may be removable plates or wires fitted behind the teeth.
Retainers play an important role in orthodontic treatment for, if they are not worn according to instructions, the teeth may move back towards their original position.
The retaining appliances are usually worn:
- Full time for up to 1 year.
- Just at night for a further year.
- Phased out altogether over 1 more year.
The corrected teeth are observed periodically for up to 5 years after the retainers have been phased out. During retention and the subsequent observation period, patients are expected to attend once or twice a year.
FAQ for Children:
Below are some frequently asked questions for children. If you need more information, kindly email us at or call us at +91 98984 24488.
At what Age should a Child have an Orthodontic Examination?
Age 7, unless you suspect a problem at an earlier age, because most facial asymmetries are likely to be apparent by that time. A timely screening will lead to extraordinary treatment benefits. For others, the principle benefit is peace of mind.
Why are Children being Evaluated at such an Early Age?
Early diagnosis and treatment can guide erupting teeth into a more favorable position, preserve space for the permanent teeth and reduce the likelihood of fracturing protruded front teeth. Also, early treatment may shorten treatment time, make treatment easier and in some cases less expensive. It may even provide advantages that are not available later.
Is Orthodontic Care Expensive?
Orthodontic therapy may eliminate the need for other medical and dental treatment. The physical and psychological benefits usually last a lifetime, which makes orthodontics one of the best investments in healthcare and quality of life.
What is the Psychological Impact of Early Treatment?
Appearance has been related to popularity, social behaviors, self expectation, personality style, and self esteem. Orthodontic therapy may lessen the likelihood that a child will be picked on by other children. Treatment may reduce appearance consciousness and the emotional scarring that can occur during critical developmental years. Also, as adolescents enter the sensitive teenage years, they become far less receptive to orthodontic therapy.
In Addition to Esthetic Improvements, what are Some other Benefits of Orthodontic Therapy?
Additional benefits may include better function, improved cleanability, more favorable wear patterns and greater longevity of natural teeth.
Why is the Growth Spurt at Puberty so Important in Orthodontics?
This is the time when much of the development of the face occurs. Treatment during this period allows the orthodontist to favorably influence the facial profile in a growing child. Once growth of the facial bones is complete, correction of skeletal discrepancies usually requires surgery.
If I'm not Sure about the Need for Orthodontics, how should I be managed?
If in doubt, refer. If you notice a problem and refer to a specialist, your legal and professional responsibilities are fulfilled. Also, an early referral can avoid more complex problems that may worsen with time.
What's the Problem with Waiting until the Permanent Teeth Erupt to Refer?
The problem may be one of opportunities missed with respect to growth and development. While patients can be treated at any age, those with available growth may enjoy a substantial advantage. Timely treatment may prevent the need for jaw surgery, extraction of permanent teeth or fracture of protruded incisors. Early treatment may also help the psychological development. Patients also benefit from guidance of tooth eruption.
FAQ for Adults:
Below are some frequently asked questions for adults. If you need more information, kindly email us at or call us at +91 98984 24488.
At what Age is a Patient too Old for Orthodontics?
Patients who have teeth and healthy supporting structures are never too old for orthodontic therapy. Age is not a factor.
How can I Tactfully Approach an Adult Patient who could Benefit from Orthodontics?
Ask the question - "Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth?" The answer will be your guide to further development of the conversation.
Why are Adults Seeking Orthodontics in Increasing Numbers?
Many adults are receiving orthodontic care that was not available to them as children. They realize that improving the health of their mouths and the attractiveness of their smiles and facial appearances can result in changes for the better in their personal, social and professional lives. Technical advances have also had an impact on adult therapy.
What are Some of those Advances?
Advanced technology has produced small tooth colored brackets that are barely noticeable. Specially alloyed wires are more comfortable, can speed up treatment and may decrease the number of necessary appointments. New retainers can be placed where they do not show. Also, advanced surgical techniques now allow treatment of many skeletal problems after growth is completed.
Prosthodontic Treatment
Prosthodontists are dental specialists in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Their goal is the integration of natural looking replacement materials with the patient's original facial structure and ultimately the creation of a comfortable and pleasing appearance.
This is a highly skilled school of dentistry requiring rigorous training and experience which combine to provide prosthodontists with the special understanding of the dynamics of the smile, the preservation of a healthy mouth and the creation of tooth replacements.
Prosthodontics includes following replacement metodology which are as under:

A crown is a type of dental restoration which completely caps or encircles a tooth or dental implant and is typically bonded to the tooth using a dental cement. Crowns can be made from many materials, which are usually fabricated using indirect methods. Crowns are often used to improve the strength or appearance of teeth.
The most common method of crowning a tooth involves using a dental impression of a prepared tooth by a dentist to fabricate the crown outside of the mouth. The crown can then be inserted at a subsequent dental appointment.
Grinding your teeth, an improper bite, age, fillings and tooth decay are all contributing factors in the erosion, cracking or breakage of your teeth. If the entire surface of the tooth is damaged, but the root system has remained intact, your dentist will usually suggest that a crown be put in place.
Crowns are also capable of replacing missing teeth entirely. The crown is secured to the teeth on either side using a bridge section which connects the 2 crowns. Alternatively, single tooth dental implants can be placed. This eliminates the need for supporting the crowns, so no bridge is required.
Our dentist may recommend the placement of a dental crown for a wide range of problems but, in general, the majority of these reasons usually fall within one of the following basic categories:
- The restoration of a tooth to its original shape.
- The strengthening of a weak tooth.
- To improve the esthetic appearance of a tooth.
- Implants.
- Endodontically treated teeth.

A bridge is a false tooth which is fused between 2 porcelain crowns in order to replace a missing tooth. Each bridge is custom made to fill in the space. If spaces are left unfilled the surrounding teeth are liable to drift out of position. Furthermore, spaces from missing teeth can cause your other teeth and your gums to become far more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. If you have missing teeth and have good oral hygiene practices, you should discuss this procedure with our dentist.
They are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, which are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Conventional dentures are removable, however there are many different denture designs, some which rely on bonding or clasping onto teeth or dental implants.
Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth. They are made out of an acrylic resin. If your dentures are well looked after, you will have a very natural looking smile. Your dentures will also help strengthen muscles controlling your expressions and you will be free of any speech problems which were caused by missing teeth.
- Removable partial dentures: They are for patients who are missing some of their teeth on a particular arch.
- Complete dentures: Conversely, complete dentures or full dentures are worn by patients who are missing all of the teeth in a single arch (ie. the Maxillary (Upper) or Mandibular (Lower) Arch).

Post and Core:

It is a procedure to rebuild a tooth in order to provide proper support for a crown.
The post will act like an anchor for the placement of crown.
A post is placed within the body of the root of a tooth that has been already treated with root canal treatment.
There are 2 different types of posts:
- Prefabricated
- Custom made
In both cases, the result of anchorage for a crown is the same.
The core is the part of the post that shows out in the mouth that help anchor a cap or crown.
When the post and core is cemented into your tooth separate from the crown, the crown (or Cap) is then ready to be placed.
Post and core are usually recommended when there is minimal support for a crown, but they are not always necessary.
The use of a post will be determined on an individual basis based upon support and structural requirements as well.